Start. Press go.
It´s 4 am and I can´t really sleep.
So I did something I have been thinking about for a while. Starting a tour blog.
I have previously only used for updates,
but a tour is something else and I think it´d be real fun if I could get some interaction going here.
I am way to conservative to even think about facebook, so this is what it´s going to be.
Since the last tour in September/October me and Yrsa have moved from Fårö to a little house just two hours east of Göteborg. The house is about as swedish as it can get. Red and white on a hill overlooking the lake Vättern. It is actually close to rediculous the way it looks. That´ll be our base for a while now and if just spring would show itself I think it could be really nice here.
In about three weeks time we leave.
I say we because the first week of the trip my brother Christian will be travelling with me.
I am very excited about this since he hasn´t been with me since 2007 if I am not misremembering.
We did a tour just like this one in december of 2005 and it was amazing.
It´ll be nice to have some time together again.
We´re living about two hours away from eachother so naturally we don´t see
as much of one another as we would have wished.
Christian is coming here to stay over the weekend now and
we´re gonna do some rehersing.
He´s bringing his awesome new little mini rhodes, so I expect things to be great!
Also travlling with us will be Ray from lovely folk act Pink Moth out of Toronto.
We played a couple of shows together last year and decided we wanted to do more of that.
Very excited about getting to know Ray better and also see what the deal is with north-americans and driving a stick. We´ll see.
Alright. A fun first post this was. I am going to bed. Since Spain is part of the tour route I have started re-reading Hemingways "The sun also rises". Excellent stuff. Also I can really recommend his biographical "A movable feast" that I read recently. I love reading about Paris during that time!
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