Getting ready to leave. Last preparations tomorrow and then off to Göteborg to rehearse like crazy with my brother. Been talking over the phone about how we want it to sound, and it will be such a weight off my sholders when we can finally meet and try stuff out.
Going through some bags still unpacked after the move and coming out with cstuff I´d almost forgot about. Quite nice actually. If you don´t count dirty washing from the last tour in October that is still packed into plastic bags.
Found a huge pile of strings in a bag from a music store in Köln today and humle fine tuned the last little bit. I must say, the guitar has never sounded better. Look how carefully he has placed his big ear on the fretboard to get the exact pitch. He is just amazing!
Well. The 10" have arrived and look awesome. Very excited about that.
I´ll go on about my business and hope to see you soon in Hannover or maybe Hamburg. Good start!
Love B