Spanish tour wagon!
Enrique being very tired on the morning after the show.
Lovely rice salad in Barcelona!
Venue in Vic.
The tree. Look. A tree!
Playing in Santander.
Sitting at a desk in the small town Aitona just outside of Lleida in Catalonia, Spain.
Staying with my lovely label guy Pep for the two days off before the show in Lleida on Wednesday.
And I think a few days of rest is just what I need. Already done some laundry and I can´t wait to wake up in the morning and put some clean clothes on again!
Had to swap cd´s for socks in Vic a few days ago, and today I have been walking around in some really strange nylon underpants I bought in a chinese shop in Santander.
Ok. Enough about my dirtyness.
I love Spain! I fucking love it.
Played four shows so far and they´ve all been great and grand.
Drove up to Berlin directly after the show in Wroclaw and slept a few hours at Björn´s and Saara´s place. Then up to catch a train to Barcelona. Seemed to take forever and I got really tired after a while, but still unable to really get some sleep. Arrive in Barcelona early morning and then new train to Murcia which is further down south. Arrive just in time for soundcheck and take a taxi to the venue. Tired.
Meet up with a danish band(forgot the name guys, sorry...) that I am opening up for. Nice young men and we struggle with the classic question if we should talk english or swedish/danish. We ended up doing a bit of everything and playing two great sets. Place unfortunately half empty. Much due to a big champions league game featuring Barcelona. Damn you Zlatan!
Off to the hotel straight after the show for a well deserved shower and a nice soft bed.
Not enough sleep as always, and I am off already around nine the next morning to head to Castellon.
Lovely Enrique meet up at the train station and we go over to his and Delia´s house where the show is taking place in the evening. Meet up with Iwan(please forgive me if I misunderstood your name) and have a lovely walk, stop for potatoes at a Tascas, and eat a good meal at a vegetarian restaurant. Castellon seems to be a nice little town. No traffic in the centre, everyone is just walking around. Sun is heavy and it´s proper summer weather. Great!
Show in the evening is great. I play in the beatiful old house Enrique and Delia live in, a nice little crowd come out and we have a great dinner after the show prepared by lovely Jose Luis. Thanks for everything man!
Off to Vic the next day. Pretty long ride, but I am in an excellent mood and come in pretty early to town. Sit down in a café and order a coffee and a fresh orange juice. Do some work at the computer and then have a walk around town and find the venue.
Great little cave of a place it is. Apperantly some kind of a cow stable from when the city was once founded in the roman era. Amazing place. And nice nice people. Pau and Eduard. Thank you so much! I play a great little set and hang out with an american guy called Michael after the show. Thanks for a great evening. Hope to see you soon again somewhere, somehow.
Breakfast at Pau´s parents house. Starts really bad with me spilling coffee over the entire hallway. I spend my first tiny bit of morning energy cleaning up that mess and cursing myself for pouring coffee in my lighter so I can´t have my morning cigarette. Later, after thinking more closely about this idiotic scenario, I curse my addiction for tobacco. But that´s later. First curse the lighter.
Off to Barcelona to try and figure out how I´m gonna get to Santander for the day after. Have no clue and noone really knows how to get there the best way. I end up buying a one euro map and trying to sort it out best I can. Buy a ticket for Bilbao and hope for the best. The train ride seems endless and I arrive in Bilbao at 10 pm. Tired, hungry and probably in one of my worst moods I stumble around town with my shit to try and sort out some kind of accomodation. Ring a doorbell for Pension Martinez and manage to sort out a room for 20 euros from a lovely little old lady using our hands as the main means of communication.
Go out to see the town and walk around for hours. I feel much better. Stop for a beer here and a tortilla there. Go to some strange dance bar where traditional basque music is being played and men in funny clothes dance with eachother. I am having a blast! End up watching a Barcelona game in a nice place with a huge pile of food in front of me.
Wake in the morning and have an excellent breakfast. Tortilla de Patata I believe it´s called. It´s all I´ve eaten so far I think. Omelette with potatoes. But it´s good! So I´m not complaining.
Come to Santander in time to check into the hotel and have a nice shower. Wash some clothes and go to the venue for soundcheck. Venue is an amazing place. They do all kinds of things in there. Concerts, theatre, dance, circus. And there´s a big tree in the middle of the room. Looks amazing and I know it´s gonna be a good evening.
Meet up with Pep and his friend Manel and have a little dinner upstairs and get to know eachother. Showtime is early and a good crowd come out despite the rain and it being a sunday. sound is beautiful in the great big space and I play one of my best sets of the tour. Thank you so much for having me guys! I hope to be back very soon!
So. Now it´s dinner at Pep´s place. Me, Pep and his mother Pilar. I am gonna make a salad.
Talk to you soon!
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Spain <3